The Real Reason Your Hands Get Wrinkly in Water. The Human Sponge Experiment

In this video I test how much water you absorb in a pool! Also, I tell you the real reason why your hands and feet wrinkle in water. I was really surprised by the results of this test! WARNING: This video is for entertainment purposes only. If you use the information from this video for… Continue reading The Real Reason Your Hands Get Wrinkly in Water. The Human Sponge Experiment

Is Sucking the Opposite of Blowing? The Reverse Sprinkler Problem

Get your Action Lab Box Now! Follow me on Twitter: Facebook: In this video I test if sucking is the opposite of blowing. I tell you about the very difficult questions posed by physicists that says if you suck water into a sprinkler will it actually spin in the opposite direction. I… Continue reading Is Sucking the Opposite of Blowing? The Reverse Sprinkler Problem

Can You Figure Out the Mysterious Self-Singing Pipe Experiment?

Checkout Brilliant here: In this video I show you how a mysterious experiment where a heated pipe begins to make sound! I talk about resonant and natural frequencies and show you some neat experiments that make sound using resonant frequencies. Follow me on Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: My Other Channel: For more… Continue reading Can You Figure Out the Mysterious Self-Singing Pipe Experiment?

Is It Actually Possible to Lift Yourself Up? Home Levitation Experiment

Get your Action Lab Box Now! What if You Try To Lift a Negative Mass? Mind-Blowing Physical Impossibility! Negative mass simulation (Someone else made this one): In this video I do an experiment to see if it is possible to pick yourself up. If it isn’t possible I show you the actual forces… Continue reading Is It Actually Possible to Lift Yourself Up? Home Levitation Experiment

The Self-Reversing Spin Experiment—Easy Homemade Rattleback

Checkout Brilliant Here: In this video I talk about spinning and show you how to make things spin for a long time. I also show you how to make something called a rattleback that stops and spins the opposite direction that you spin it initially! WARNING: This video is for entertainment purposes only. If… Continue reading The Self-Reversing Spin Experiment—Easy Homemade Rattleback

I Tried To Cook an Entire Meal With No Air! Cooking in a Vacuum Experiment

First 100 people get $50 off their first two weeks of Blue Apron, here!: Sponsored by Blue Apron In this video I try to cook an entire meal in the vacuum chamber. I show you different methods of cooking, such as convection, vs conduction and show you the results of each. Watch how difficult… Continue reading I Tried To Cook an Entire Meal With No Air! Cooking in a Vacuum Experiment

Touching Searing Hot Things Without Getting Burned—Can You Solve The Melting Riddle?

Get your experiment box here In this video I see if you can guess which ice cube will melt first on top of two different plates at the same temperature. Then I talk about heat conduction and show you how it is possible to touch very hot things without getting burned. Follow me on:… Continue reading Touching Searing Hot Things Without Getting Burned—Can You Solve The Melting Riddle?

Can You Push Things With Light?

Checkout Brilliant here: Get your Action Lab Box here: In this video I test whether or not you can push things with light! I talk about whether or not light has mass. Instead of tying a fly to a string (previous lassoing a fly video), I make an apparatus in the vacuum chamber… Continue reading Can You Push Things With Light?

Does Metal Actually Have a Smell…Or Have You Been Fooled?

Get The Action Lab Subscription Box Here: Could you smell iron man’s suit? In this video I test if metal, such as iron, actually has a smell. When you smell metal, are actually smelling the metal or something else? I do an experiment to show you what is happening and then talk about the… Continue reading Does Metal Actually Have a Smell…Or Have You Been Fooled?

Homemade Film Canister Rocket—Launching Yourself Into Orbit

Get your Action Lab Box Now! In this video I test if it would be possible to launch yourself into space using the energy from your own fat. I show you how to make a film canister rocket using a film canister and a few drops of methanol (or ethanol or acetone). I show… Continue reading Homemade Film Canister Rocket—Launching Yourself Into Orbit

What is the Speed of Gravity? The Deleted Sun Experiment

In this video I show you what the speed of gravity is and then show you what happens if the sun suddenly disappeared. What would happen to the orbits of the planets? Then I talk about why some people say that gravity is instantaneous and some say it is not. The software I used in… Continue reading What is the Speed of Gravity? The Deleted Sun Experiment