The Tree of Life and the Mysteries of Qabalah ~ Spirit Science 35 (Part 3)

This video observes the several paths one can take when exploring Qabalah and the Tree of Life. In this journey of initiation, we are brought deeper understanding at key stages… the further along we go, and only when we are ready for it. To attempt to force enlightenment is insufficient to attain the world, but… Continue reading The Tree of Life and the Mysteries of Qabalah ~ Spirit Science 35 (Part 3)

The 13 Virtues of a Vibrant Merkaba (Activation Video)

Join us for a weekly meditation in Spiritverse, to strengthen our individual and collective resonance – Visit Ever wondered what a “Merkabic Field” is, or how to activate it? This short video will provide a simple overview and means by which anyone can center themselves in, in order to become oriented to a strong… Continue reading The 13 Virtues of a Vibrant Merkaba (Activation Video)

What Happens When We Find a Chakra? ~ Spirit Science 43

The Chakras in your body are like what galaxies are to God. -L, J Vanier Today, we pose a philosophical question… What would happen in the world when we actually discover one and prove their existence scientifically? How might the world be transformed? This is our theory about such a question… This video was created… Continue reading What Happens When We Find a Chakra? ~ Spirit Science 43

Is “They Live” Actually a Documentary About the Reptilian Conspiracy?

Did you know that the director of ‘They Live’ actually described it as a documentary? That’s right, this cult classic sci-fi thriller may not be as fictional as you think. In fact, it could be a chilling exposé of a hidden truth about our society. Join us as we dive deep into the world of… Continue reading Is “They Live” Actually a Documentary About the Reptilian Conspiracy?

What “Noah” Actually Teaches about Consciousness

Noah is a very interesting take on an old biblical story, that spans back much older than most are aware… That said, there is great wisdom we can gather from this film, so lets explore it! If you are ready for a rapid and beautiful shift in your life, come and experience the Seven-Day Transformation.… Continue reading What “Noah” Actually Teaches about Consciousness

What’s Faster than Light? ~ Spirit Science 46

Decades ago, breaking the sound barrier was a huge deal in transportation science… but many didn’t think it could be done. What if the Light Barrier is the next big breakthrough in engineering? Following the work of Steven Greer, there’s a simple truth we have to acknowledge… in our universe, light is too damn slow.… Continue reading What’s Faster than Light? ~ Spirit Science 46

Is it Wrong to be Materialistic? ~ Spirit Science 47

We’ve all heard that old tale of how -in order to become enlightened, you have to detach yourself from the world and go full on hermit mode in a cave in the mountains… but what does enlightenment look like in the modern world? If spiritual understanding comes from within… it has no bearing on your… Continue reading Is it Wrong to be Materialistic? ~ Spirit Science 47

How to Find Wisdom in Everything!

If you’re looking for a complete life transformation, look no further. Click here: Welcome back to yet another Spirit Stream! Today I want to open the discussion of Wisdom in a new way that we haven’t discussed previously. It is about being able to entertain and explore ideas, feelings, and impulses without subscribing to… Continue reading How to Find Wisdom in Everything!

Little Women and the Four Elements – A Story Steeped in Mystery

Merry Christmas everyone! So, true story – we also have a “Hidden Spirituality of Christmas” which is a bit delayed, was supposed to publish it today! And yet, this is a very fitting substitute, given that exactly 1 year ago today, the new Little Women hit theatres. This story, going back to the original text… Continue reading Little Women and the Four Elements – A Story Steeped in Mystery

The Parable of the Smuggler

The Parable of the Smuggler Deluxe Edition brings us the story of a poor man, who rapidly becomes a successful individual. On his daily commute, the border guards he passes find him suspicious, and search him repeatedly, but never find anything… What was the man smuggling? Let’s find out! This video was created by Team… Continue reading The Parable of the Smuggler

The Parable of the Butterfly Dream

The Butterfly Dream poses a question about the nature of reality… Are we all dreaming life to be… and if so, which dream is more real; the one when we are sleeping, or the one when we are ‘awake’? Spirit Science now hosts a sacred community, and a place you can enjoy Spirit Science organized… Continue reading The Parable of the Butterfly Dream