Even in tumultuous times, we can find hope in Jesus Christ. Moroni, the last prophet in the Book of Mormon, witnessed the destruction of his nation. While this was a dark time for Moroni, he was reminded that hope and light would come to God’s children in the latter days. That light and hope comes… Continue reading Moroni Invites All to Gain a Witness of the Book of Mormon
Tag: Book of Mormon
Ether 6 | Book of Mormon Audio
Ether 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
The Book of Ether The record of the Jaredites, taken from the twenty-four plates found by the people of Limhi in the days of King Mosiah. Chapter 1 Moroni abridges the writings of Ether—Ether’s genealogy is set forth—The language of the Jaredites is not confounded at the Tower of Babel—The Lord promises to lead them… Continue reading Ether 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
Moroni 10 | Book of Mormon Audio
A testimony of the Book of Mormon comes by the power of the Holy Ghost—The gifts of the Spirit are dispensed to the faithful—Spiritual gifts always accompany faith—Moroni’s words speak from the dust—Come unto Christ, be perfected in Him, and sanctify your souls. About A.D. 421. Read Moroni 10 here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/moro/10?lang=eng
Moroni 4 | Book of Mormon Audio
Moroni 9 | Book of Mormon Audio
The second epistle of Mormon to his son Moroni. Both the Nephites and the Lamanites are depraved and degenerate—They torture and murder each other—Mormon prays that grace and goodness may rest upon Moroni forever. About A.D. 401. Read Moroni 9 here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/moro/9?lang=eng
3 Nephi 16 | Book of Mormon Audio
Jesus will visit others of the lost sheep of Israel—In the latter days the gospel will go to the Gentiles and then to the house of Israel—The Lord’s people will see eye to eye when He brings again Zion. About A.D. 34. Read 3 Nephi 16 here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/3-ne/16?lang=eng
3 Nephi 10 | Book of Mormon Audio
4 Nephi 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
Fourth Nephi The Book of Nephi Who Is the Son of Nephi—One of the Disciples of Jesus Christ An account of the people of Nephi, according to his record. Chapter 1 The Nephites and the Lamanites are all converted unto the Lord—They have all things in common, work miracles, and prosper in the land—After two… Continue reading 4 Nephi 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
Mormon 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
Ammaron instructs Mormon concerning the sacred records—War commences between the Nephites and the Lamanites—The Three Nephites are taken away—Wickedness, unbelief, sorceries, and witchcraft prevail. About A.D. 321–26. Read Mormon 1 here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/morm/1?lang=eng
Alma 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
The Book of Alma the Son of Alma The account of Alma, who was the son of Alma, the first and chief judge over the people of Nephi, and also the high priest over the Church. An account of the reign of the judges, and the wars and contentions among the people. And also an… Continue reading Alma 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
Mosiah 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
The Book of Mosiah Chapter 1 King Benjamin teaches his sons the language and prophecies of their fathers—Their religion and civilization have been preserved because of the records kept on the various plates—Mosiah is chosen as king and is given custody of the records and other things. About 130–124 B.C. Read Mosiah 1 here: https://site.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/mosiah/1
The Words of Mormon 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
Helaman 13 | Book of Mormon Audio
The prophecy of Samuel, the Lamanite, to the Nephites. Comprising chapters 13 through 15. Chapter 13 Samuel the Lamanite prophesies the destruction of the Nephites unless they repent—They and their riches are cursed—They reject and stone the prophets, are encircled about by demons, and seek for happiness in doing iniquity. About 6 B.C. Read Helaman… Continue reading Helaman 13 | Book of Mormon Audio
Mosiah 28 | Book of Mormon Audio
Mosiah 3 | Book of Mormon Audio
King Benjamin continues his address—The Lord Omnipotent will minister among men in a tabernacle of clay—Blood will come from every pore as He atones for the sins of the world—His is the only name whereby salvation comes—Men can put off the natural man and become Saints through the Atonement—The torment of the wicked will be… Continue reading Mosiah 3 | Book of Mormon Audio
Jarom 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
Jacob 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
The Book of Jacob the Brother of Nephi Chapter 1 The words of his preaching unto his brethren. He confoundeth a man who seeketh to overthrow the doctrine of Christ. A few words concerning the history of the people of Nephi. Jacob and Joseph seek to persuade men to believe in Christ and keep His… Continue reading Jacob 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
2 Nephi 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
2 Nephi 16 | Book of Mormon Audio
2 Nephi 33 | Book of Mormon Audio
Jacob 6 | Book of Mormon Audio
2 Nephi 28 | Book of Mormon Audio
Many false churches will be built up in the last days—They will teach false, vain, and foolish doctrines—Apostasy will abound because of false teachers—The devil will rage in the hearts of men—He will teach all manner of false doctrines. About 559–545 B.C. Read 2 Nephi 28 here: https://site.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/28
1 Nephi 4 | Book of Mormon Audio
2 Nephi 23 | Book of Mormon Audio
Jacob 4 | Book of Mormon Audio
All the prophets worshiped the Father in the name of Christ—Abraham’s offering of Isaac was in similitude of God and His Only Begotten—Men should reconcile themselves to God through the Atonement—The Jews will reject the foundation stone. About 544–421 B.C. Read Jacob 4 here: https://site.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/jacob/4
The Testimony of Eight Witnesses | Book of Mormon Audio
2 Nephi 14 | Book of Mormon Audio
2 Nephi 5 | Book of Mormon Audio
The Nephites separate themselves from the Lamanites, keep the law of Moses, and build a temple—Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cut off from the presence of the Lord, are cursed, and become a scourge unto the Nephites. About 588–559 B.C. Read 2 Nephi 5 here: https://site.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/5?lang=eng
2 Nephi 32 | Book of Mormon Audio
1 Nephi 7 | Book of Mormon Audio
Lehi’s sons return to Jerusalem and invite Ishmael and his household to join them in their journey—Laman and others rebel—Nephi exhorts his brethren to have faith in the Lord—They bind him with cords and plan his destruction—He is freed by the power of faith—His brethren ask forgiveness—Lehi and his company offer sacrifice and burnt offerings.… Continue reading 1 Nephi 7 | Book of Mormon Audio
2 Nephi 19 | Book of Mormon Audio
2 Nephi 12 | Book of Mormon Audio
A Brief Explanation about the Book of Mormon | Book of Mormon Audio
The Book of Mormon is a sacred record of peoples in ancient America and was engraved upon metal plates. The Book of Mormon comprises fifteen main parts or divisions, known, with one exception, as books, usually designated by the name of their principal author. The first portion (the first six books, ending with Omni) is… Continue reading A Brief Explanation about the Book of Mormon | Book of Mormon Audio
1 Nephi 1 | Book of Mormon Audio
Nephi begins the record of his people—Lehi sees in vision a pillar of fire and reads from a book of prophecy—He praises God, foretells the coming of the Messiah, and prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem—He is persecuted by the Jews. About 600 B.C. Read 1 Nephi 1 here: https://site.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/1-ne/1?lang=eng
Jacob Teaches of the Resurrection | 2 Nephi 6:5–11; 9
“Jacob, a Book of Mormon prophet, teaches about the need for a Messiah. Just as the Fall of Adam imposed death on humankind, the Savior’s Resurrection allows all to be raised from death. God commands all to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Based on 2 Nephi 6:5, 8–9, 11: 5… Continue reading Jacob Teaches of the Resurrection | 2 Nephi 6:5–11; 9
Lehi Blesses the Children of Laman and Lemuel | 2 Nephi 4:5–9
Lehi, a Book of Mormon prophet, blesses his family and tells them that their descendants will not perish but will ultimately be blessed. Based on 2 Nephi 4:5, 7, 9: 5 But behold, my sons and my daughters, I cannot go down to my grave save I should leave a blessing upon you; for behold,… Continue reading Lehi Blesses the Children of Laman and Lemuel | 2 Nephi 4:5–9
Lehi Testifies of the Importance of Scripture | 1 Nephi 5:10–22
Lehi examines the brass plates and confirms that they hold the Jewish scriptures, including the record of Adam and Eve and the writings of all the holy prophets. They also contain the genealogical lineage of Lehi’s family. Lehi prophecies that these records will bless all generations of his descendants. Based on 1 Nephi 5:10–22: 10… Continue reading Lehi Testifies of the Importance of Scripture | 1 Nephi 5:10–22
Lehi Invites His Family to Partake of the Fruit of the Tree | 1 Nephi 8:12–18
Lehi partakes of the fruit of the tree of life. He desires to share the fruit with his family. Sariah, Nephi and Sam come and partake of the fruit, but when Lehi beckons to Laman and Lemuel to come and partake, they refuse. Based on 1 Nephi 8:12–18: 12 And as I partook of the… Continue reading Lehi Invites His Family to Partake of the Fruit of the Tree | 1 Nephi 8:12–18
A Storm Threatens to Drown Lehi’s Family | 1 Nephi 18:13–20
Nephi remains bound for three days. On the fourth day a raging tempest causes Laman and Lemuel to fear for their lives. They recognize that the judgments of God are upon them and release Nephi. 1 Nephi 18:13–20: 13 Wherefore, they knew not whither they should steer the ship, insomuch that there arose a great… Continue reading A Storm Threatens to Drown Lehi’s Family | 1 Nephi 18:13–20
Nephi and His Family Finish the Ship | 1 Nephi 18:1–4
Nephi and his brothers work together to build the ship. It is not built after the manner of men, but after the manner shown to Nephi by the Lord. Nephi seeks the direction of the Lord often throughout the process by going into the mountains to pray. When the ship reaches completion, Laman and Lemuel recognize… Continue reading Nephi and His Family Finish the Ship | 1 Nephi 18:1–4
Lehi Teaches His Family | 2 Nephi 1:4–29
“Lehi, a Book of Mormon prophet, has had a vision of the destruction of Jerusalem. He shares his vision with his family and teaches them that those who are righteous and follow the commandments of God will be blessed. Based on 2 Nephi 1:4–5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 17, 24, 29: 4 For, behold, said… Continue reading Lehi Teaches His Family | 2 Nephi 1:4–29
Nephi Obtains the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 4:20–38
Disguised as Laban, including wearing his clothing, Nephi enlists the unknowing help of Laban’s servant Zoram. Together they remove the plates of brass from Laban’s treasury and take them outside the walls of Jerusalem, where Nephi’s brothers await his return. Zoram swears a vow of allegiance to the family, and they all return to Lehi… Continue reading Nephi Obtains the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 4:20–38
Laman Attempts to Obtain the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:9–13
Despite his misgivings, Laman agrees to meet with Laban. Laman goes to the house of Laban and asks for the brass plates, which contain Lehi’s family genealogy and sacred writings of the prophets. But Laban, a man of wealth and power, refuses, calls Laman a robber, and threatens to slay him, so Laman flees for… Continue reading Laman Attempts to Obtain the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:9–13
Laman and Lemuel Bind Nephi | 1 Nephi 18:9–12
Nephi speaks to his brothers, Ishmael’s sons, and their wives and asks them to stop inappropriate behavior for fear they will offend God. Laman and Lemuel become angry with Nephi and bind him with cords. 1 Nephi 18:9–12: 9 And after we had been driven forth before the wind for the space of many days,… Continue reading Laman and Lemuel Bind Nephi | 1 Nephi 18:9–12
Nephi’s Prayer Calms the Storm | 1 Nephi 18:21–22
Nephi is released by his brethren. The Liahona begins to work again. Nephi offers a prayer to the Lord and guides the ship toward the promised land. Based on 1 Nephi 18:21–22: 21 And it came to pass after they had loosed me, behold, I took the compass, and it did work whither I desired… Continue reading Nephi’s Prayer Calms the Storm | 1 Nephi 18:21–22
Lehi’s Family Arrives at the Promised Land | 1 Nephi 18:23 | Book of Mormon
After sailing for many days and enduring contention and strife upon the sea, Lehi’s family arrives at the promised land. Based on 1 Nephi 18:23: 23 And it came to pass that after we had sailed for the space of many days we did arrive at the promised land; and we went forth upon the… Continue reading Lehi’s Family Arrives at the Promised Land | 1 Nephi 18:23 | Book of Mormon
Lehi’s Sons Marry the Daughters of Ishmael | 1 Nephi 16:7–9 | Book of Mormon
In fulfillment of the Lord’s command, the sons of Lehi marry the daughters of Ishmael. Even though the travelers were alone in the desert, the joy and love they shared were a blessing to them all. Based on 1 Nephi 16:7–9: 7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, took one of the daughters of… Continue reading Lehi’s Sons Marry the Daughters of Ishmael | 1 Nephi 16:7–9 | Book of Mormon
The Nephites Flee into the Wilderness | 2 Nephi 4:17–30; 5:2–6 | Book of Mormon
“Nephi’s older brothers are angry with him and want to kill him. The Lord warns Nephi and his people who believe in the revelations of God to leave their homes and settle in a new land. They travel many days and call the new land “Nephi.” Based on 2 Nephi 4:17-21, 28, 30: 17 Nevertheless,… Continue reading The Nephites Flee into the Wilderness | 2 Nephi 4:17–30; 5:2–6 | Book of Mormon
An Angel Appears to Lehi’s Sons | 1 Nephi 3:28–31 | Book of Mormon
Laman and Lemuel want nothing more to do with their father’s request to obtain the brass plates. Angry and frustrated, they rebel against Nephi and Sam and beat their younger brothers with wooden rods––until an angel appears and makes them stop the beating. Based on 1 Nephi 3:28–31: 28 And it came to pass that… Continue reading An Angel Appears to Lehi’s Sons | 1 Nephi 3:28–31 | Book of Mormon
Lehi’s Sons Invite Ishmael’s Family to Join Them | 1 Nephi 7:1–5 | Book of Mormon
The Lord commands Lehi to send his unmarried sons to Jerusalem and invite the family of Ishmael to join them. Ishmael’s daughters can then marry Lehi’s sons in order to increase their family and inherit the land of promise to which the Lord is directing them. Ishmael’s family consents and accompanies Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and… Continue reading Lehi’s Sons Invite Ishmael’s Family to Join Them | 1 Nephi 7:1–5 | Book of Mormon
The Spirit Directs Nephi to Slay Laban | 1 Nephi 4:1–19 | Book of Mormon
Courageously, Nephi returns alone to Jerusalem in search of Laban and the plates. He finds Laban lying drunk in the streets. The Lord commands Nephi to slay Laban; though Nephi has never taken someone’s life before, he obeys. Nephi then dresses in Laban’s clothing and pretends to be Laban so he can obtain the records.… Continue reading The Spirit Directs Nephi to Slay Laban | 1 Nephi 4:1–19 | Book of Mormon
Jacob Encourages the Nephites to Be Reconciled with God | 2 Nephi 10:3–25 | Book of Mormon
Jacob, a Book of Mormon prophet, prophesies of Jesus Christ as the Redeemer and Savior of the world. He teaches the Nephites to repent and to be reconciled with God. He also teaches that they are free to choose for themselves and that it is only through the grace of God that they can be… Continue reading Jacob Encourages the Nephites to Be Reconciled with God | 2 Nephi 10:3–25 | Book of Mormon
Lehi’s Family Arrives at the Land of Bountiful | 1 Nephi 17:1–6 | Book of Mormon
After an eight–year sojourn in the wilderness, Lehi’s family arrives at a land near the sea that they call “”Bountiful”” because of its abundance of fruit and wild honey. 1 Nephi 17:1–6: 1 And it came to pass that we did again take our journey in the wilderness; and we did travel nearly eastward from that… Continue reading Lehi’s Family Arrives at the Land of Bountiful | 1 Nephi 17:1–6 | Book of Mormon
Nephi Is Filled with the Power of God | 1 Nephi 17:17–55 | Book of Mormon
Laman and Lemuel mock Nephi when they learn he is going to build a ship. Nephi reminds them of God’s beneficent dealings with their ancestors, the children of Israel. He also reminds them that they themselves have seen an angel and that the Lord has spoken to them. As Nephi speaks to his brothers he… Continue reading Nephi Is Filled with the Power of God | 1 Nephi 17:17–55 | Book of Mormon
The Prophet Lehi Warns the People of Jerusalem | 1 Nephi 1:7–20 | Book of Mormon
“Lehi, a prophet, receives clear revelation and instruction from God. As a result, he warns the people of Jerusalem that their city will be destroyed because of their wickedness. The people reject his warning and seek to take his life, but Lehi escapes. Based on 1 Nephi 1:7–20: 7 And it came to pass that… Continue reading The Prophet Lehi Warns the People of Jerusalem | 1 Nephi 1:7–20 | Book of Mormon
Nephi Is Led by the Spirit to Obtain the Plates of Brass | 1 Nephi 3–5 | Book of Mormon
As a result of a dream, Lehi sends his sons back to Jerusalem to obtain sacred records on plates of brass from a wicked religious and military leader named Laban. Laban refuses to give up the records and steals Lehi’s wealth when Laman attempts to use it to buy the plates. Laman and Lemuel rebel… Continue reading Nephi Is Led by the Spirit to Obtain the Plates of Brass | 1 Nephi 3–5 | Book of Mormon
Sariah Rejoices in the Return of Her Sons | 1 Nephi 5:1–9 | Book of Mormon
Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Nephi, and Zoram return to the tent of Lehi and Sariah. Though Sariah had doubted her husband, the successful return of their sons witnessed to her that Lehi was indeed inspired, to which she bears powerful witness. The family then offers sacrifices at their altar in accord with Lehi’s prophetic office. 1… Continue reading Sariah Rejoices in the Return of Her Sons | 1 Nephi 5:1–9 | Book of Mormon
Lehi Discovers the Tree of Life | 1 Nephi 8:2–11 | Book of Mormon
Lehi tells his family about his vision in which he is met by a man dressed in a white robe who asks Lehi to follow him. Lehi follows the man into a “”dark and dreary waste.”” After traveling for hours in the darkness, Lehi prays to the Lord for mercy. After praying, Lehi beholds a… Continue reading Lehi Discovers the Tree of Life | 1 Nephi 8:2–11 | Book of Mormon
Lehi Blesses Joseph | 2 Nephi 3:3–15 | Book of Mormon
“Lehi, a Book of Mormon prophet, explains his lineage to his son Joseph, which lineage includes Joseph of Egypt. He also reveals that Joseph of Egypt prophesied of Joseph Smith, a latter-day seer. Based on 2 Nephi 3:3–4, 6, 9, 15: 3 And now, Joseph, my last-born, whom I have brought out of the wilderness… Continue reading Lehi Blesses Joseph | 2 Nephi 3:3–15 | Book of Mormon
Lehi Sees an Iron Rod and Those Who Fall Away | 1 Nephi 8:19–28 | Book of Mormon
In his vision, Lehi notices a rod of iron leading to the tree of life by which he stands. Next to the rod of iron is a strait and narrow path. Concourses of people are pressing forward along the path when a mist of darkness arises, and many lose their way. Those who had taken… Continue reading Lehi Sees an Iron Rod and Those Who Fall Away | 1 Nephi 8:19–28 | Book of Mormon
The Lord Delivers Nephi from His Rebellious Brothers | 1 Nephi 7:6–22 | Book of Mormon
As the sons of Lehi and the family of Ishmael make their way through the wilderness to join Lehi and Sariah, some of the company become dissatisfied and want to return to their former lives in Jerusalem. Laman and Lemuel in particular become very angry with Nephi and bind him with cords so they can leave… Continue reading The Lord Delivers Nephi from His Rebellious Brothers | 1 Nephi 7:6–22 | Book of Mormon
The Nephites Live after the Manner of Happiness | 2 Nephi 5:10–27 | Book of Mormon
“Nephi, a Book of Mormon prophet, and his people begin to grow crops and raise herds of animals. Nephi continues to keep a record of his people. The Nephites make weapons to protect themselves from their enemies. They construct a temple patterned after King Solomon’s temple. Nephi ordains priests and teachers to preach to the… Continue reading The Nephites Live after the Manner of Happiness | 2 Nephi 5:10–27 | Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon Videos | Behind the Scenes | 2 Nephi—Enos
Nephi Prays for Laman and Lemuel | 1 Nephi 2:8–24 | Book of Mormon
Under the stress of life in the desert, Laman and Lemuel question their father and complain about the difficulties caused by Lehi’s visions. On the other hand, Nephi seeks and obtains a confirmation from the Lord that his father has spoken the truth, and he also prays for Laman and Lemuel. Sam believes Nephi, but… Continue reading Nephi Prays for Laman and Lemuel | 1 Nephi 2:8–24 | Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon Videos | Behind the Scenes | 1 Nephi
Nephi Commits to Obtain the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:1–8 | Book of Mormon
Lehi tells Nephi that he and his brothers need to return to Jerusalem to obtain sacred records (family genealogies and scriptures) from Laban. Though the task seems impossible, Nephi responds with heroic faith, while Laman and Lemuel complain. Based on 1 Nephi 3:1–8: 1 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, returned from speaking… Continue reading Nephi Commits to Obtain the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:1–8 | Book of Mormon
The Nephites Separate from the Lamanites | 2 Nephi 5 | Book of Mormon
“Nephi’s older brothers are angry with him and desire to kill him. The Lord warns Nephi, a Book of Mormon prophet, and his people to leave. They settle in a new land and call it “Nephi.” Nephi’s people are hardworking, and they prosper because they keep the commandments of God. Priests and teachers preach the… Continue reading The Nephites Separate from the Lamanites | 2 Nephi 5 | Book of Mormon
Lehi Teaches How We Might Have Joy | 2 Nephi 2:16–28 | Book of Mormon
“Lehi, a Book of Mormon prophet, teaches about God’s plan of salvation and explains that one of the purposes of life is to experience joy. We are free to choose eternal life and joy by following Jesus Christ. Based on 2 Nephi 2:16–20, 22, 25–28: 16 Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he… Continue reading Lehi Teaches How We Might Have Joy | 2 Nephi 2:16–28 | Book of Mormon
1 Nephi | Official Trailer | Book of Mormon Videos
The Book of Mormon. Is it a musical? Is it history? Is it scripture? What is this book that teaches of Jesus Christ and brings hope and joy to so many people around the world? It’s the story of a man and wife and their descendants trying to serve God the best they can. Lehi,… Continue reading 1 Nephi | Official Trailer | Book of Mormon Videos
The Lord Instructs Nephi to Build a Ship | 1 Nephi 17:7–10 | Book of Mormon
“Nephi hears the voice of the Lord asking him to come up to a nearby mountain. There Nephi prays, and the Lord instructs him to build a ship. Nephi responds by asking the Lord where he should go to find ore so that he can craft tools. The Lord shows him. Based on 1 Nephi… Continue reading The Lord Instructs Nephi to Build a Ship | 1 Nephi 17:7–10 | Book of Mormon
Lehi Blesses Jacob | 2 Nephi 2:1–11 | Book of Mormon
“Lehi, a Book of Mormon prophet, teaches that there must be opposition in all things so that happiness, goodness, and righteousness can exist. He also teaches that the Savior is the only one who can help us get back to God. Based on 2 Nephi 2:1–8, 11: 1 And now, Jacob, I speak unto you:… Continue reading Lehi Blesses Jacob | 2 Nephi 2:1–11 | Book of Mormon
The Lord Provides the Liahona | 1 Nephi 16:10–12 | Book of Mormon
With Lehi’s and Ishmael’s families joining together, they were prepared for the next leg of their journey. To help them, the Lord provides to Lehi a curious metal ball that gives direction to the company. Based on 1 Nephi 16:10–12: 10 And it came to pass that as my father arose in the morning, and went… Continue reading The Lord Provides the Liahona | 1 Nephi 16:10–12 | Book of Mormon
Lehi’s Sons Offer Riches for the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:14–27 | Book of Mormon
Sariah, alone in the desert with Lehi, begins to fear that her sons are lost to them. Meanwhile, Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi gather up the riches their father left behind and attempt to buy the records from Laban, but Laban steals their wealth and attempts to kill Lehi’s sons. Despite their best efforts to… Continue reading Lehi’s Sons Offer Riches for the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:14–27 | Book of Mormon
The Faithful Partake of the Fruit of the Tree | 1 Nephi 8:29–30 | Book of Mormon
In Lehi’s vision, multitudes of people pressed forward faithfully to the tree of life by holding on to the rod of iron until they were able to partake of the fruit. Based on 1 Nephi 8:29–30: 29 And now I, Nephi, do not speak all the words of my father. 30 But, to be short in… Continue reading The Faithful Partake of the Fruit of the Tree | 1 Nephi 8:29–30 | Book of Mormon
The Lord Commands Nephi to Build a Ship | 1 Nephi 17–18 | Book of Mormon
After eight years in the wilderness, Lehi’s growing family comes to a land near the sea. They call it Bountiful because of its abundant fruit and wild honey. Nephi hears the voice of the Lord commanding him to go up into the mountain to pray. There he receives a commandment from the Lord to build… Continue reading The Lord Commands Nephi to Build a Ship | 1 Nephi 17–18 | Book of Mormon
Lehi’s Family Departs into the Wilderness | 1 Nephi 2:4–7 | Book of Mormon
Lehi the prophet flees Jerusalem with his wife, Sariah, and his sons—Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. They journey south into the wilderness, build an altar according to priestly custom, and give thanks to the Lord. Based on 1 Nephi 2:4–7: 4 And it came to pass that he departed into the wilderness. And he left… Continue reading Lehi’s Family Departs into the Wilderness | 1 Nephi 2:4–7 | Book of Mormon
Nephi Exercises Faith to Obtain Food | 1 Nephi 16:23–32 | Book of Mormon
Nephi shows his faith by making a new bow and an arrow. Armed with his new bow and a sling with stones, Nephi seeks direction from his prophet-father, Lehi, regarding where to hunt. Lehi repents and seeks the Lord’s guidance. As a result, he is able to tell Nephi where to go for food, and… Continue reading Nephi Exercises Faith to Obtain Food | 1 Nephi 16:23–32 | Book of Mormon
The Lord Calls Lehi as a Prophet | 1 Nephi 1:4–6 | Book of Mormon
“Lehi, a prophet in Jerusalem, becomes troubled at what is happening in the world around him, so he seeks God’s direction, and God answers his humble prayer. Based on 1 Nephi 1:4–6: 4 For it came to pass in the commencement of the first year of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah, (my father,… Continue reading The Lord Calls Lehi as a Prophet | 1 Nephi 1:4–6 | Book of Mormon
Lehi Gives His Family a Final Blessing | 2 Nephi 1–4 | Book of Mormon
“Lehi, a Book of Mormon prophet, has a vision of the destruction of Jerusalem. He teaches that Jesus Christ is central to God’s plan of salvation. Those who are righteous and keep the commandments will be blessed. God allows for opposition in all things so that happiness, goodness, and righteousness can exist. We are free… Continue reading Lehi Gives His Family a Final Blessing | 2 Nephi 1–4 | Book of Mormon
The Lord Commands Lehi’s Family to Leave Jerusalem | 1 Nephi 1–2 | Book of Mormon
Lehi, a prophet in Jerusalem, receives direction from God that Jerusalem will be destroyed because of the wickedness of the people. He attempts to warn the citizens of Jerusalem, but they instead try to kill him. The Lord then directs Lehi to flee into the wilderness with his wife, Sariah, and his four sons—Laman, Lemuel,… Continue reading The Lord Commands Lehi’s Family to Leave Jerusalem | 1 Nephi 1–2 | Book of Mormon
Lehi Counsels with His Family to Leave Jerusalem | 1 Nephi 2:1–3 | Book of Mormon
The Lord recognizes that Lehi has been faithful to him, and He warns Lehi to leave Jerusalem before wicked people take his life. Lehi explains to his family the vision God gave him. Leaving their home and all they own behind will not be easy. His wife, Sariah, and his sons—Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi—agree to… Continue reading Lehi Counsels with His Family to Leave Jerusalem | 1 Nephi 2:1–3 | Book of Mormon
Lehi’s Family Sails to the Promised Land | 1 Nephi 18 | Book of Mormon
Lehi’s family continues their journey to the promised land. After days at sea, Nephi’s brothers and the sons of Ishmael and their wives begin to offend the Spirit with inappropriate singing, dancing, and rude speech. When Nephi counsels them to stop for fear that the Lord will become angry with them, Laman and Lemuel take… Continue reading Lehi’s Family Sails to the Promised Land | 1 Nephi 18 | Book of Mormon
Nephi Breaks His Bow | 1 Nephi 16:18–22 | Book of Mormon
Hard times always follow blessings. The wooden hunting bows lose their springs, and Nephi’s metal bow breaks, leaving them unable to kill game for food. Even Lehi begins to complain about the Lord having abandoned them as they suffer for lack of food. 1 Nephi 16:18–22: 18 And it came to pass that as I,… Continue reading Nephi Breaks His Bow | 1 Nephi 16:18–22 | Book of Mormon
Mosiah–Alma | Official Trailer | Book of Mormon Videos
God’s prophets preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to people in ancient America hundreds of years before His birth. Watch their struggles and triumphs as they learn to trust God and come unto Christ. King Benjamin teaches his people to serve God by serving one another. The prophet Abinadi testifies of Jesus Christ and invites… Continue reading Mosiah–Alma | Official Trailer | Book of Mormon Videos
The Lord Guides Lehi’s Journey | 1 Nephi 16 | Book of Mormon
Lehi’s sons marry the daughters of Ishmael and fulfill the Lord’s commands. The Lord commands the company to continue on their journey and provides a tool called the Liahona that shows the direction to go. All the hunting bows become weak or break, but Nephi shows faith by making a new bow, asking his father… Continue reading The Lord Guides Lehi’s Journey | 1 Nephi 16 | Book of Mormon
Jacob Teaches of the Atonement of Jesus Christ | 2 Nephi 6–10 | Book of Mormon
“Jacob, a Book of Mormon prophet, rejoices in the wisdom of God in providing a Savior for mankind. He prophesies of Jesus Christ and teaches about His Atonement and Resurrection. The Messiah prepares a way for all mankind to be saved, to be resurrected, and to return to the presence of God. Based on 2… Continue reading Jacob Teaches of the Atonement of Jesus Christ | 2 Nephi 6–10 | Book of Mormon
Ishmael’s Household Joins Lehi’s Family | 1 Nephi 7 | Book of Mormon
The Lord reveals to Lehi that his sons should return to Jerusalem and enlist Ishmael’s family in their journey so that those sons could marry Ishmael’s daughters and have families. Ishmael’s family consents to join them. Along the way, disagreements break out, and Laman and Lemuel lead a rebellion. They bind Nephi and leave him for… Continue reading Ishmael’s Household Joins Lehi’s Family | 1 Nephi 7 | Book of Mormon
Lehi Sees a Vision of the Tree of Life | 1 Nephi 8 | Book of Mormon
In the wilderness, Lehi has a vision filled with symbolism that includes the tree of life. In his vision he struggles for some time in the dark before finally making his way to the tree. He eats or partakes of its fruit and desires his family to do likewise. He sees a rod of iron,… Continue reading Lehi Sees a Vision of the Tree of Life | 1 Nephi 8 | Book of Mormon