In this video I test how much water you absorb in a pool! Also, I tell you the real reason why your hands and feet wrinkle in water. I was really surprised by the results of this test! WARNING: This video is for entertainment purposes only. If you use the information from this video for… Continue reading The Real Reason Your Hands Get Wrinkly in Water. The Human Sponge Experiment
Tag: brightest flashlight
Is Sucking the Opposite of Blowing? The Reverse Sprinkler Problem
Get your Action Lab Box Now! Follow me on Twitter: Facebook: In this video I test if sucking is the opposite of blowing. I tell you about the very difficult questions posed by physicists that says if you suck water into a sprinkler will it actually spin in the opposite direction. I… Continue reading Is Sucking the Opposite of Blowing? The Reverse Sprinkler Problem
Is Yanny and Laurel Actually Just a Glitch in The Matrix?
In this video I explore the idea that Yanny and Laurel are proof that we are living in a giant simulation that just has a glitch. What are the chances that we live in a simulation? Does our universe have any characteristics of a computer program? Watch and see! WARNING: If you use the information… Continue reading Is Yanny and Laurel Actually Just a Glitch in The Matrix?
Is It Actually Possible to Lift Yourself Up? Home Levitation Experiment
Get your Action Lab Box Now! What if You Try To Lift a Negative Mass? Mind-Blowing Physical Impossibility! Negative mass simulation (Someone else made this one): In this video I do an experiment to see if it is possible to pick yourself up. If it isn’t possible I show you the actual forces… Continue reading Is It Actually Possible to Lift Yourself Up? Home Levitation Experiment
The Self-Reversing Spin Experiment—Easy Homemade Rattleback
Checkout Brilliant Here: In this video I talk about spinning and show you how to make things spin for a long time. I also show you how to make something called a rattleback that stops and spins the opposite direction that you spin it initially! WARNING: This video is for entertainment purposes only. If… Continue reading The Self-Reversing Spin Experiment—Easy Homemade Rattleback
Are Black Holes Really Black…or Invisible? Real Black Holes on Earth!
In this video I show you what a real black hole would look like near earth! Is it really black, or is it invisible? This videos stems from a previous video I did with Black 2.0 paint (the blackest black) with the world’s brightest flashlight (32,000 lumen). I mentioned that the black 2.0 looked like… Continue reading Are Black Holes Really Black…or Invisible? Real Black Holes on Earth!
I Tried To Cook an Entire Meal With No Air! Cooking in a Vacuum Experiment
First 100 people get $50 off their first two weeks of Blue Apron, here!: Sponsored by Blue Apron In this video I try to cook an entire meal in the vacuum chamber. I show you different methods of cooking, such as convection, vs conduction and show you the results of each. Watch how difficult… Continue reading I Tried To Cook an Entire Meal With No Air! Cooking in a Vacuum Experiment
Warning: Never Eat an Orange By a Balloon! The Orange Oil Experiment
In this video I show you what happens when you squirt an orange peel near a balloon. I talk about why this happens and this leads me to talk about how many oranges it would take to fuel your car using Limonene. Watch this awesome video and use it to disappoint any small kid when… Continue reading Warning: Never Eat an Orange By a Balloon! The Orange Oil Experiment
Is It Possible To Bend Light With Your Finger? The Light Bender Experiment
In this video I show you how to bend light with your finger! Then I explain the physics behind why it happens. You have most likely been taught wrong about why this happens. If you want to learn more about this see this link where I got a lot of my information: WARNING: This… Continue reading Is It Possible To Bend Light With Your Finger? The Light Bender Experiment
Magnifying The World’s Brightest Flashlight (200,000 Lumens)
To remove your personal information from the web, visit and use the code ACTIONLAB20 for 20% off. For international plans, please visit Flashlight I used: Good summaries of Etendue:
What Happens When You Put 10 Bags of Pop Rocks in a Vacuum Chamber? And Pop Rocks and Soda Challenge
Please take this survey! In this video I show you what happens to pop rocks in a vacuum chamber, and I also show you what happens to you when you eat pop rocks and drink soda! Where does the CO2 go when you drink soda or eat pop rocks? WARNING: This video is for… Continue reading What Happens When You Put 10 Bags of Pop Rocks in a Vacuum Chamber? And Pop Rocks and Soda Challenge