The Tree of Life and the Mysteries of Qabalah ~ Spirit Science 35 (Part 3)

This video observes the several paths one can take when exploring Qabalah and the Tree of Life. In this journey of initiation, we are brought deeper understanding at key stages… the further along we go, and only when we are ready for it. To attempt to force enlightenment is insufficient to attain the world, but… Continue reading The Tree of Life and the Mysteries of Qabalah ~ Spirit Science 35 (Part 3)

A Spirit Science Update ~ History Movie & Rythmia!

This video today is to let you know what’s been going on behind the scenes, as well as to invite you to come and join us for another trip to Rythmia! We also take some time to have an important conversation about Plant Medicine and to dispel some confusion around the subject. You can sign… Continue reading A Spirit Science Update ~ History Movie & Rythmia!

Pyramid Power is Real! ~ Spirit Science 42

Bring a new Orgonite Pyramid into your life and invite source field energy into your home – Discover your new collection today: A long time ago, the idea that ‘pyramids have power’ was laughed off as a period of gullible superstition, but the truth is stranger than fiction! In this groundbreaking Spirit Science episode,… Continue reading Pyramid Power is Real! ~ Spirit Science 42

Sacred Geometry 101 | Spirit Science 17

One of the most transformative ancient texts now updated for our New Age. Get the Aquarian Age Edition of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth 🙌 As we’ve explored before, everything in our universe is fundamentally made up of a base sacred geometry known as the flower of life. From this geometry stems many more… Continue reading Sacred Geometry 101 | Spirit Science 17

You Have a Light-Body and Heres How it Works!

You are cordially invited to join the Spirit Science Community – Spirit Mysteries is a social network and a sacred space for the evolution of consciousness and self-mastery! Click here to sign up and say hi: In our final episode of the Chakra series, at last it’s time to explore the nature of the… Continue reading You Have a Light-Body and Heres How it Works!