Check out for a 7-day trial and 20% off your subscription + the ability to protect 5 family members from hackers and scammers! The space simulations were done in Universe Sandbox: Create your own choreographies here: Paper showing the probability of Mercury, Venus and Mars hitting the earth: Shop the Action… Continue reading Why Do Exact Equations Become Unpredictable?
Tag: End of the World
Can You Really Shoot for the Stars? Would You Ever Hit Any?
In this video I show you what happens when galaxies collide. I also show you what would happen if you were to shoot a rocket straight into space without turning. Would it ever hit anything? I show you how empty space actually is! Software used was Universe Sandbox and SpaceEngine The Action Lab Box:… Continue reading Can You Really Shoot for the Stars? Would You Ever Hit Any?
Is the Eclipse a Sign of the End of the World?
When anything catastrophic or out of the ordinary happens, you can be sure there will be doomsday prophets appearing to tell us that it is a judgment of God, or that it’s a sure sign of the end of the world. But behind the craziness and the media-hype, is there anything legitimate that is the… Continue reading Is the Eclipse a Sign of the End of the World?
Beach preach’n at Michigan City Beach
The 2 Resurrections of which YOU will rise up in
The Fact of life is that all must face death at some point unless we are alive in Christ we He comes again. All the dead will come up in one of 2 resurrections. Learn about the 2 resurrections and how you can be prepared for the resurrection that leads to eternal life in this… Continue reading The 2 Resurrections of which YOU will rise up in