Join us for a weekly meditation in Spiritverse, to strengthen our individual and collective resonance – Visit Ever wondered what a “Merkabic Field” is, or how to activate it? This short video will provide a simple overview and means by which anyone can center themselves in, in order to become oriented to a strong… Continue reading The 13 Virtues of a Vibrant Merkaba (Activation Video)
Tag: guided meditation
The Spiritual Roots of Science | Spirit Science 38 (Part 1)
Spirit Science launched a Sacred Community: Now, I know what you might be thinking. We’re setting ourselves up for a ton of debates in the comments. But here’s the thing Science and Spirituality are not all that different. I know, we’ve been making these videos for years now, spurring support and debunkery across the… Continue reading The Spiritual Roots of Science | Spirit Science 38 (Part 1)
When Your Friend Blesses Your Plant Medicine…
So which one are you more likely to be? Sometimes, the biggest struggles we have come from not having the right community around us to help us through the craziness of life. Come and join the Spirit Science Social Network and connect with the fastest growing Spirit Community on the web!
Parable of the Smuggler | Patch Parables 9
Want to transform your financial paradigm? Learn the secrets of spiritual wealth transformation in this presentation 💴 There was once a poor man who led a donkey from one kingdom to another. Every day he needed to cross a river that was guarded by men from the kingdom he wished to enter. The border… Continue reading Parable of the Smuggler | Patch Parables 9
What is Channeling? (Speak to your Guides!) | Spirit Science 3
There’s a lot of ways you can spend your time, but wouldn’t you agree that it should be spent with awesome people just like you, striving for a better tomorrow? If so, check out our sacred community for self mastery, it’s a game changer: This episode focuses on channeling or the inherent ability we… Continue reading What is Channeling? (Speak to your Guides!) | Spirit Science 3
How to Connect Your Masculine & Feminine Energy
Masculine and Feminie Energy can manifest in infinite ways, both physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We all contain each of these energies – and thus this video is not about “male and female bodies”, but the polarizing energy that moves through us, and how energy moves in general. At last – Spirit Science has a… Continue reading How to Connect Your Masculine & Feminine Energy
Patch Parables ~ The Parable of the 84th Problem
At last – Spirit Science has a place where we can all come and master ourselves together! Come and check it out here: ✨If you liked this video, check out these videos here ✨ 👉 Our Great Transformation Begins Now! ~ 👉 Spirit Science 1 ~ Thoughts ~ 👉 Patch Parables ~… Continue reading Patch Parables ~ The Parable of the 84th Problem
The Secret Language of the Matrix Hidden in Everyday Life
Free yourself from the Matrix with the Seven-Day Transformation. It only takes one week to shift everything… (and maybe even gain some super-powers!) 🧚 I know what you might be thinking… The hidden spirituality of the matrix is an oxymoron – because it’s not hidden! And trust me – I get it. Even writing… Continue reading The Secret Language of the Matrix Hidden in Everyday Life