Autogenics | Care For You – Eskenazi Health Relaxation Recordings

Eskenazi Health is honored to present Care for You, a collection of relaxation recordings to help you find inner peace and calm. Care for You recordings are curated and recorded by staff members at the Eskenazi Health Center for Spiritual Care & Education. Certified mind-body medicine practitioners and board-certified music therapists use evidence-based research to… Continue reading Autogenics | Care For You – Eskenazi Health Relaxation Recordings

The Healing Project: Chapter Five – Heidi “Raw” Phillips-West

This is a spoken word piece by local artist Heidi “Raw” Phillips-West for Eskenazi Health’s “The Healing Project.” “The Healing Project” is made available to Eskenazi Health patients through a television channel specifically dedicated to art on all televisions on the main Eskenazi Health campus. Produced for Eskenazi Health Poem written and performed by: Heidi… Continue reading The Healing Project: Chapter Five – Heidi “Raw” Phillips-West

More Than Enough

“More Than Enough” is the story of a young man, Tracy, who was involved in a tragic head on collision. The accident took his father’s life and nearly killed Tracy. Despite his limitations, God has been at work! Learn more about partnering with Living Waters: Watch more free videos and get other resources by… Continue reading More Than Enough

Paralyzed Priest Keeps the Faith for Divine Intervention

After tripping and striking his head on a railing, Father Murray woke up paralyzed. He was determined to walk again, but the journey tested this cleric’s faith.

Prayers For Healing Leave Couple Better Than Before

Bonnie had scoliosis all her life. Ironically, when she called in to The 700 Club to report her husband’s healing, she was healed as well! ► PARTNER with CBN ministries: ► CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: ► WATCH more stories: ► CLICK to experience God’s love, purpose and forgiveness in… Continue reading Prayers For Healing Leave Couple Better Than Before

Healing isn’t Something You Have to Earn…’s YOURS as a Free Gift.

Gordon and Ashley pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. ►Need Prayer? ►Has God healed you? Let us know!

Walking Out Faith as Healing Took Time

Vladimir began to question his faith when he wasn’t seeing a resolution to his foot injury. ►Need Prayer? ►Has God healed you? Let us know!

How to Achieve Perfect Balance ✨

It’s about finding harmony within the dynamic of ‘within’ and ‘without’, and not overdoing it in any way!

The 13 Virtues of a Vibrant Merkaba (Activation Video)

Join us for a weekly meditation in Spiritverse, to strengthen our individual and collective resonance – Visit Ever wondered what a “Merkabic Field” is, or how to activate it? This short video will provide a simple overview and means by which anyone can center themselves in, in order to become oriented to a strong… Continue reading The 13 Virtues of a Vibrant Merkaba (Activation Video)

Spirit Science Lofi Radio

Music is healing to the soul, and so we have connected with our friends to bring you music designed to uplift you to higher states of inner harmony and well-being. 🙏💛✨ Enjoy, and be blessed! Current Artists Featured: Equanimous – DJ Taz Rashid – Momentology –