Spirit of Sport Awards Trailer

For the past five years, St.Vincent Sports Performance has hosted the annual “Spirit of Sport Awards,” honoring student-athletes, managers, athletic trainers, coaches, administrators, and industry leaders for their contributions to sport, off the field of competition. The Spirit of Sport Awards is a celebration derived from the six core values of St.Vincent Health. Service to… Continue reading Spirit of Sport Awards Trailer

The True Language of the Four Elements ~ Spirit Science 18

The four elements are found in all systems of creation and throughout the field of reality. This is because of the unfolding of number from one, or unity, into the multiplicity of creation. Such an unfolding is described in the Tao Te Ching, which essentially purports that the One begat Two, the Two begat Three,… Continue reading The True Language of the Four Elements ~ Spirit Science 18

How You Are Light! ~ Spirit Science 22 (Part 5)

Want to transform your financial paradigm? Learn the secrets of spiritual wealth transformation in this presentation 💴 https://www.spiritmysteries.com/SMM This episode is about exploring our bodies as being vessels of light by looking closer at matter and energy. When something new is created, it’s not just the two components that make it up, a singularity is… Continue reading How You Are Light! ~ Spirit Science 22 (Part 5)