Get your Action Lab Box Now! I made something blacker than Vantablack! I show you what it looks like when you shine the world’s brightest flashlight on it and also a super-bright blue laser! Then I talk about blackbody radiation and how perfect blackbodies are perfect absorbers and perfect emitters. Follow me on Twitter:… Continue reading Darker Than Vantablack—Absorbs 99.9923% of Light
Tag: perfect blackbody
Spectralon—The World’s Whitest White Reflects Over 99% of Visible Light vs Black 3.0!
Get your Action Lab Box Now! In this video I show you the whitest material on earth called Spectralon. Spectralon reflects over 99% of visible light and holds the record for the world’s whitest material. I show you what it looks like to shine a burning laser on Spectralon and then I show you… Continue reading Spectralon—The World’s Whitest White Reflects Over 99% of Visible Light vs Black 3.0!
The Darkest Clothing In The World
In this video I make the darkest clothing in the world of a fabric known as IR flock sheet. My mom’s channel: Where I got the material: Get Your Experiment Box Here: Checkout my experiment book: Follow me on Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: