The Great Celestial Battle ~ The Sumerian Epic (Part 1)

One of the most transformative ancient texts is updated for our New Age. Discover the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, click here to order now 🙌 The Sumerian Epic begins with The Great Celestial Battle! In this episode, we see an introduction to the ancient Sumerian creation stories and observe how this pantheon evolves throughout… Continue reading The Great Celestial Battle ~ The Sumerian Epic (Part 1)

The Tree of Life and the Mysteries of Qabalah ~ Spirit Science 35 (Part 3)

This video observes the several paths one can take when exploring Qabalah and the Tree of Life. In this journey of initiation, we are brought deeper understanding at key stages… the further along we go, and only when we are ready for it. To attempt to force enlightenment is insufficient to attain the world, but… Continue reading The Tree of Life and the Mysteries of Qabalah ~ Spirit Science 35 (Part 3)

The Backster Effect: Secrets of the Source Field ~ Spirit Science 34

Episode 34 of Spirit Science breaks into the Source Field Investigations, exploring the discoveries of Cleve Backster, a man who seemed to discover plant-consciousness. This man, through his experiments with plants and polygraphs, found that plants seemed to be able to perceive emotions and intentions from others… Perhaps, from these profound insights, we might come… Continue reading The Backster Effect: Secrets of the Source Field ~ Spirit Science 34

Milk (Dairy) and Health ~ Spirit Science 33 (Part 4)

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth are now available in a new Aquarian Edition! Download it by clicking here 🧙‍♂️ We first started harvesting milk about 7500 years ago in different parts of Europe. Many theorists guess that this may have been due to a lack of vitamin D in an area of the world… Continue reading Milk (Dairy) and Health ~ Spirit Science 33 (Part 4)

What Happens When We Find a Chakra? ~ Spirit Science 43

The Chakras in your body are like what galaxies are to God. -L, J Vanier Today, we pose a philosophical question… What would happen in the world when we actually discover one and prove their existence scientifically? How might the world be transformed? This is our theory about such a question… This video was created… Continue reading What Happens When We Find a Chakra? ~ Spirit Science 43

Super Spirit Gamers

There is an abundance of games out there, and many of the world’s most popular games include violence as a primary part of the game. How are we to interact with this, and what effect does it have on us? This video was created by Team Spirit Connect with the team at ✨If… Continue reading Super Spirit Gamers

The True Language of the Four Elements ~ Spirit Science 18

The four elements are found in all systems of creation and throughout the field of reality. This is because of the unfolding of number from one, or unity, into the multiplicity of creation. Such an unfolding is described in the Tao Te Ching, which essentially purports that the One begat Two, the Two begat Three,… Continue reading The True Language of the Four Elements ~ Spirit Science 18

Is “They Live” Actually a Documentary About the Reptilian Conspiracy?

Did you know that the director of ‘They Live’ actually described it as a documentary? That’s right, this cult classic sci-fi thriller may not be as fictional as you think. In fact, it could be a chilling exposé of a hidden truth about our society. Join us as we dive deep into the world of… Continue reading Is “They Live” Actually a Documentary About the Reptilian Conspiracy?

The Power of Thoughts: Is Telepathy Real? ~ Spirit Science 1 Deluxe Edition

In 2019, the original episode of Spirit Science was revisited and expanded, taking the conversation deeper than it ever was before. Thoughts are things, and this idea shouldn’t be taken lightly. When we consider the subtle effect we have on others, we learn to be more mindful of what we think. Each day, we are… Continue reading The Power of Thoughts: Is Telepathy Real? ~ Spirit Science 1 Deluxe Edition

Flower of Life Music Video – Ft. Equanimous 🎶 We got together with one of our favourite musicians, Equanimous, to create a little music video of the Flower of Life episode! Along with that, please enjoy this Spotify playlist called ‘Feel Good Now!”, it’s certain to do just that. ✨ Thanks for tuning in, we hope all this good music lifts your… Continue reading Flower of Life Music Video – Ft. Equanimous 🎶

Mars Retrograde ~ Spirit Cycles

Money and Spirituality DO go together! Come and discover how you can transform your spiritual financial paradigm today 🔮 So, this totally just took me by surprise (after making the video, of course), but it’s not only Mars Retrograde right now… Saturn Retrograde started on March 2nd! Ahh!!! What is happening?! ✨If you liked… Continue reading Mars Retrograde ~ Spirit Cycles