The Great Celestial Battle ~ The Sumerian Epic (Part 1)

One of the most transformative ancient texts is updated for our New Age. Discover the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, click here to order now 🙌 The Sumerian Epic begins with The Great Celestial Battle! In this episode, we see an introduction to the ancient Sumerian creation stories and observe how this pantheon evolves throughout… Continue reading The Great Celestial Battle ~ The Sumerian Epic (Part 1)

Super Spirit Gamers

There is an abundance of games out there, and many of the world’s most popular games include violence as a primary part of the game. How are we to interact with this, and what effect does it have on us? This video was created by Team Spirit Connect with the team at ✨If… Continue reading Super Spirit Gamers

Is “They Live” Actually a Documentary About the Reptilian Conspiracy?

Did you know that the director of ‘They Live’ actually described it as a documentary? That’s right, this cult classic sci-fi thriller may not be as fictional as you think. In fact, it could be a chilling exposé of a hidden truth about our society. Join us as we dive deep into the world of… Continue reading Is “They Live” Actually a Documentary About the Reptilian Conspiracy?

How You Are Light! ~ Spirit Science 22 (Part 5)

Want to transform your financial paradigm? Learn the secrets of spiritual wealth transformation in this presentation 💴 This episode is about exploring our bodies as being vessels of light by looking closer at matter and energy. When something new is created, it’s not just the two components that make it up, a singularity is… Continue reading How You Are Light! ~ Spirit Science 22 (Part 5)

Is Trump a Time Traveler?

After our skit on “Coronaspiracy Theories” – it became very clear that there’s a big interest in conspiracies among you – our beautiful audience! Today we are excited to announce that in the near future, we will be launching a new conspiracy exposé, and to get you started – here’s a rather interesting one we… Continue reading Is Trump a Time Traveler?

How to Connect Your Masculine & Feminine Energy

Masculine and Feminie Energy can manifest in infinite ways, both physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We all contain each of these energies – and thus this video is not about “male and female bodies”, but the polarizing energy that moves through us, and how energy moves in general. At last – Spirit Science has a… Continue reading How to Connect Your Masculine & Feminine Energy

The Parable of the Flow

This is a remarkable tale of an old man who fell into a river! Onlookers feared for his life as they rushed downstream… Yet, found him climbing out unscathed. How did he survive?! Watch and find out! At last – Spirit Science has a place where we can all come and master ourselves together! Come… Continue reading The Parable of the Flow