Why Is There So Much Pain If God Loves Us?

From The 700 Club, Gordon Robertson answers why is there so much pain in our lives if God really loves us? ► Learn more about accepting Jesus, and experience God’s purpose and forgiveness in your life: https://go.cbn.com/ug7vR ► Ask the 700 Club a question: https://go.cbn.com/ug7vF ► SIGN UP for daily devotionals: https://go.cbn.com/ug7v2 ► Are you… Continue reading Why Is There So Much Pain If God Loves Us?

Walking Out Faith as Healing Took Time

Vladimir began to question his faith when he wasn’t seeing a resolution to his foot injury. ►Need Prayer? https://go.cbn.com/ufTEJ ►Has God healed you? Let us know! https://go.ob.org/ufUor

Why is Humanity So Sinful? (Christ Series Pt. 2)

The Truth Shall Set You Free! Thank you so much to the generous supporters who have contributed to our crowdfunding campaign. Without you, this video would not have been possible. https://fnd.us/22Hps5?ref=sh_2Cqrl1

The Deeper Purpose of Suffering and Trauma

It has been said, “God can use everything for His glory”, and what this means is – no matter what traumatizing thing that happens, whether on a personal level of greater in the collective consciousness, these experiences can lead to great growth in the aftermath, as a result of having gone through them. So long… Continue reading The Deeper Purpose of Suffering and Trauma

Breaking From Bitterness to Release Healing

Melissa talks about defeating her psoriatic arthritis pain by worshipping God in the midst of the worst suffering.

Surprising Consequence of Forgiveness

A woman haunted by years of pain and unforgiveness is set free when she chooses to forgive the person who harmed her. ► PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 ► CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fj ► WATCH more stories: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fc ► CLICK to experience God’s love, purpose and forgiveness in your life: https://go.cbn.com/ue6E8… Continue reading Surprising Consequence of Forgiveness

The Breath of Death and Resurrection: Transform Your Negativity! 👺

https://youtube.com/watch?v=twcXLG571EI Now that you’ve learned the Breath of Life, you can take things even further with this, the Breath of Death and Resurrection! This breath came to me along my journey after learning the Breath of Life, and it became a very powerful tool to use for purifying old energies that need to go! In… Continue reading The Breath of Death and Resurrection: Transform Your Negativity! 👺

Breath of Life Heart Pulse Meditation ⚡️

I had to edit the name of this video! After doing the practice it feels more like a heart-pulse! Like your pulsing your heart with clear light! ~ Hey beautiful soul! It’s great to see you! I bet you’re excited about more Breath of Life too, huh? 🌬 It turns out there’s something more that… Continue reading Breath of Life Heart Pulse Meditation ⚡️

The Breath of Life: Never Have A Bad Day Again (For Real 🌬)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=qd_4LmBZrVM This practice will transform your life in an amazing way, thank you for watching it and giving it a try! Aso, you might be feeling like you want additional support on this, come and join the community making waves in the collective consciousness. A sacred home for doing the inner-work: https://www.spiritmysteries.school The breath of… Continue reading The Breath of Life: Never Have A Bad Day Again (For Real 🌬)