Shatterproof vs Traditional Ornaments Crushed By Hydraulic Press

In this video I crush shatterproof and non-shatterproof ornaments in the hydraulic press. I let you decide which ornaments were the shatterproof ones and which were not. It ends up being pretty easy to decide when the hydraulic press comes down on the Christmas ornaments. Send me things to crush at: PO Box 482 North… Continue reading Shatterproof vs Traditional Ornaments Crushed By Hydraulic Press

Is it Possible To Un-Mix a Liquid? The Entropy Reversal Challenge

In this video I set up a way to attempt to un-mix a liquid that has been stirred. Can you actually reverse the mixing process and get the food color back in its original location after mixing? I talk about how this can be possible and talk about entropy and eventually the heat death of… Continue reading Is it Possible To Un-Mix a Liquid? The Entropy Reversal Challenge

What’s the Difference Between Yellow and Yellow?

Checkout Brilliant here: In this video I talk about the difference between yellow light and yellow light made from red and green light. What is the difference. Can we spot the difference between a monochromatic yellow light and a non-monochromatic yellow light made from green and red? Does it even matter? Get your Action… Continue reading What’s the Difference Between Yellow and Yellow?

What Happens if You Drop Sodium Metal in Elephant Toothpaste? O2+H2=BOOM!

Get World of Warships Here: Use code “PLAYLANGLEY2019” to receive 250 doubloons, 1,000,000 Credits, the USS Langley, one port slot and 3 days premium time In this video I show you what happens when you drop sodium metal in elephant toothpaste! The elephant toothpaste experiment creates tiny bubbles of oxygen when the catalyst is… Continue reading What Happens if You Drop Sodium Metal in Elephant Toothpaste? O2+H2=BOOM!

What Happens When You Freeze The Ocean? Pouring Liquid Nitrogen in the Ocean to Stop Global Warming

In this video I pour 3L of liquid nitrogen in the ocean to see if it actually freezes it or not. This is liquid nitrogen poured in a pool to a whole new level. Get the Action Lab experiment book here Amazon: Barnes and Noble: Get your Action Lab Box Now! Follow… Continue reading What Happens When You Freeze The Ocean? Pouring Liquid Nitrogen in the Ocean to Stop Global Warming

Filling an Air Mattress With Helium to See if I Can Float!

Checkout Walabot Home here: and use discount code “HOME10off” In this video I see what happens when you fill an air mattress with helium! Can you actually ride it like a magic carpet? Does it float. Then I try filling a bike tire with helium to see if it makes the bike tire any… Continue reading Filling an Air Mattress With Helium to See if I Can Float!

What Happens When You Put Sodium Metal on Orbeez? Will It Explode?

Get your Action Lab Box Now! In this video I show what happens when you put sodium metal on Orbeez. Then I also show you what happens when you put calcium carbide on Orbeez! What this amazing mix of chemistry with Orbeez! Follow me on Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: My Other Channel:… Continue reading What Happens When You Put Sodium Metal on Orbeez? Will It Explode?

How Much Weight Can a Fly Actually Lift? Experiment—I Lassoed a Fly!

In this video I catch a fly and tie a string to it in order to measure how much weight it can lift! First I slow down their metabolism by cooling them down then I tie a string around it and attach duct tape weights to it in order to see how much it can… Continue reading How Much Weight Can a Fly Actually Lift? Experiment—I Lassoed a Fly!

What Happens if You Put Sodium on Ice? Does it Still Explode?

Thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this video. The first 500 people to sign up at this link in the will get their first 2 months for free: Get your experiment box here In this video I see what happens when you put sodium metal on ice. First I test it with regular ice… Continue reading What Happens if You Put Sodium on Ice? Does it Still Explode?