God Fights for Us | Alma 23-29

In our earthly lives, we sometimes face difficulties trusting in God’s plan for us. We may find ourselves fighting against God and His teachings, when the trials of life seem hard to bare. Yet, God continues to fight for us and provide a way for us to feel His love and peace.

In the Book of Mormon, after learning of the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Lamanites experienced a mighty change of heart. Through the power of Jesus Christ and His Atoning sacrifice, they felt God’s merciful grace and forgiveness as they laid down their weapons of war. They chose to let peace and let God prevail.

When tribulation and war came their way, they held strong to their promise and their faith in God’s plan for them. They still did not raise their weapons of war, for they knew God would provide a way for them, that they might not perish.

Like the Lamanites, when we choose peace amidst our battles, God will bring us comfort and peace. He will also provide a way for us “because he loveth our souls as well as he loveth our children… that the plan of salvation might be made known unto us as well as unto future generations,” (see Alma 24:14).

In what ways have Jesus Christ and His gospel changed you?

#thebookofmormon #verseoftheday #feastupontheword #change #Atonement

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