Why Is There So Much Pain If God Loves Us?

From The 700 Club, Gordon Robertson answers why is there so much pain in our lives if God really loves us? ► Learn more about accepting Jesus, and experience God’s purpose and forgiveness in your life: https://go.cbn.com/ug7vR ► Ask the 700 Club a question: https://go.cbn.com/ug7vF ► SIGN UP for daily devotionals: https://go.cbn.com/ug7v2 ► Are you… Continue reading Why Is There So Much Pain If God Loves Us?

After Years of Shoulder Pain, a Prayer is Answered

While doing routine yardwork Abelina suffered a shoulder injury. After years of pain, she agreed with a prayer on TV and experienced healing. ► PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 ► CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fj ► WATCH more stories: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fc ► CLICK to experience God’s love, purpose and forgiveness in your life:… Continue reading After Years of Shoulder Pain, a Prayer is Answered

Rising Basketball Star Relies on God’s Word for Success

For college basketball star Oscar Tshiebwe, the word of God is everything. See how unshakeable faith has opened the door to his dreams. ► PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 ► CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fj ► WATCH more stories: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fc ► CLICK to experience God’s love, purpose and forgiveness in your life:… Continue reading Rising Basketball Star Relies on God’s Word for Success

Miracle Girl Sees Butterflies in Heaven

A fun day at the pool turned deadly when nine-year-old Annie Powell drowned. Suffering cardiac arrest Annie recounts seeing gorgeous butterflies in Heaven and a man in white. Was it Jesus? Watch to witness her miracle. ► PARTNER with CBN ministries: http://share.cbn.com/5ds49 ► CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fj ► WATCH more stories:… Continue reading Miracle Girl Sees Butterflies in Heaven

Transgender to Transformed: Laura Perry’s Story

Laura Perry believed at a young age that she should have been born a boy. She completely transitioned into living and legally being a male. But a chance request by her mother to design a Bible study website put her on the path to discovering her true identity. Here’s what happened. For more information about… Continue reading Transgender to Transformed: Laura Perry’s Story

Boy Recalls Being Held by Jesus During Pool Drowning

Max McKee was just a toddler when his grandmother found him at the bottom of her swimming pool with no signs of life. However, Max recalls being held by Jesus while he was unconscious and recalls something significant on Jesus’ hands. ► PARTNER with CBN ministries: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fb ► CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries:… Continue reading Boy Recalls Being Held by Jesus During Pool Drowning

Praying For Your Needs: March 22, 2023

Pat and Wendy pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. ► PARTNER with CBN ministries: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fb ► CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: https://go.cbn.com/ue6E9 ► WATCH more stories: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fc ► CLICK to experience God’s love, purpose and forgiveness in your life: https://go.cbn.com/ue6E8 ►… Continue reading Praying For Your Needs: March 22, 2023

Living Momentarily in Heaven

For Janelle Wofford, suffering a heart attack gave her unbelievable peace and joy because she died and went to heaven for over two minutes. See why she says she did not want to come back. ► PARTNER with CBN ministries: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fb ► CLICK to learn more about CBN ministries: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fj ► WATCH more stories: https://go.cbn.com/ue6Fc… Continue reading Living Momentarily in Heaven