“Jacob, a Book of Mormon prophet, warns his people to stop being prideful and persecuting their brethren. He teaches his people to seek first the kingdom of God. Based on Jacob 2:3, 6–7, 10, 12–13, 16–21: 3 And ye yourselves know that I have hitherto been diligent in the office of my calling; but I… Continue reading Jacob Teaches about Pride | Jacob 2:3–21
Tag: riches
Alma Teaches the Poor about Humility | Alma 31–32 | Book of Mormon
Some Zoramites aren’t allowed to worship in their synagogues because they are poor. The poor find Alma the younger and Amulek, preaching on a hillside. One of them asks Alma how they should worship God if they can’t go into the synagogues. Alma sees that they are humble because of their circumstances. Alma teaches them… Continue reading Alma Teaches the Poor about Humility | Alma 31–32 | Book of Mormon
Jacob Teaches about Pride and Chastity | Jacob 2–3 | Book of Mormon
“Jacob, a Book of Mormon prophet, warns his people to stop being prideful and persecuting their brethren. He teaches his people to seek first the kingdom of God and calls the men of his people to repentance for seeking additional wives and concubines. Because of their behavior, the men had broken the hearts of their… Continue reading Jacob Teaches about Pride and Chastity | Jacob 2–3 | Book of Mormon