I test how conductive fire and plasma are. I check if they are conductive enough to light a bulb or shock me. Then I test the resistance with a multimeter
Tag: fire
Fire pours out of exhaust funnel of Carnival cruise ship
Is It Possible to Vacuum in a Vacuum Chamber?
In this video I test if you can vacuum in a vacuum chamber to see if it is possible to vacuum in space or on the moon! Watch what happens when I try to suck up some lint in my vacuum chamber under full vacuum. Will it still work? Checkout my science channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA19mAJURyYHbJzhfpqhpCA Checkout… Continue reading Is It Possible to Vacuum in a Vacuum Chamber?
Is It Possible To Bend Light With Your Finger? The Light Bender Experiment
In this video I show you how to bend light with your finger! Then I explain the physics behind why it happens. You have most likely been taught wrong about why this happens. If you want to learn more about this see this link where I got a lot of my information: goo.gl/d9m9m4 WARNING: This… Continue reading Is It Possible To Bend Light With Your Finger? The Light Bender Experiment
Is It Possible to Melt Wood in a Vacuum Chamber? The Wood Distillation Experiment
Signup for your FREE trial to The Great Courses Plus here: http://ow.ly/J6FE30jNkjJ In this video I check if it is possible to melt wood! I have had this question asked to me several times, so I attempt to melt wood in the vacuum chamber. “The Great Courses Plus is currently available to watch through a… Continue reading Is It Possible to Melt Wood in a Vacuum Chamber? The Wood Distillation Experiment
How to Make a Cold Fire Torch That You Can Touch and Not Get Burned!
Get your Action Lab Box Now! https://www.theactionlab.com/ In this video I show you how to make cold fire! I show you why fire is normally hot and why plasmas are usually hot. Then I show you how to actually make cold fire by removing the thermal energy of the gas ions while still keeping the… Continue reading How to Make a Cold Fire Torch That You Can Touch and Not Get Burned!
Levitating Fire Experiment
In this video I show you how to make floating fire balls using specific fluid dynamics Watch other popular videos from my channel Superhydrophobic Knife Slices Water Drops in Half Real-Life Invisibility Cloak Can Hide Anything! How Does It Work? What’s Inside the Worlds’ Fastest Heat Conductor? Can You Use Umbrellas Instead of a Parachute?… Continue reading Levitating Fire Experiment
Westfield (Indiana) Safety Festival – CPR Dance
St.Vincent Carmel Hospital sponsored this year’s Westfield Safety Festival. The hospital provided health education and screenings. Several thousand local families attended the festival and learned about home and personal safety issues. One safety demonstration received special attention from attendees. Hospital nurse and American Heart Association coordinator, Joyce Jobs, demonstrated CPR techniques for the crowd. Rather… Continue reading Westfield (Indiana) Safety Festival – CPR Dance
How I Made an Ant Think It Was Dead—The Zombie Ant Experiment
Do Your Own Experiments Here: https://www.theactionlab.com/ In this video I show you how I made an ant think it was dead by putting a specific chemical on it that ants use to signal when they have died. This is how ants know to put the ants that have passed away into the ant graveyard. Follow… Continue reading How I Made an Ant Think It Was Dead—The Zombie Ant Experiment
Preaching in front of Notre Dame!
Notre Dame recently caught on fire! Click this link for details on Season Four “Open-Air Preaching in 13 European Countries in 13 days.”: http://store.livingwaters.com/downloads/video/season-four-episodes.html Visit https://www.LivingWaters.com to view more free videos, articles, and to get other resources by Ray Comfort and the Living Waters team. Look us up on social media… FACEBOOK Living Waters: https://www.facebook.com/lwwotm… Continue reading Preaching in front of Notre Dame!
The Secret Behind Sauce Packets | What The Bell Happened? | Taco Bell
In this episode, we’ll share the secret of how Taco Bell Sauce Packets came to life. SUBSCRIBE to Taco Bell: http://bit.ly/2dkMX81 “What The Bell Happened?” is a video series that tells the history and the back story behind some of Taco Bell’s most asked questions. Connect with Taco Bell Online: Visit the Taco Bell WEBSITE:… Continue reading The Secret Behind Sauce Packets | What The Bell Happened? | Taco Bell