In this video I crush astronaut ice cream in the hydraulic press. Astronaut ice cream is actually just freeze dried ice cream that has had all of the water removed. Before I crush it in the hydraulic press I talk a little bit about astronaut ice cream and that astronauts don’t actually use it. Then… Continue reading Freeze-Dried Astronaut Ice Cream Crushed In Hydraulic Press
Tag: king of random
Is It Possible to Vacuum in a Vacuum Chamber?
In this video I test if you can vacuum in a vacuum chamber to see if it is possible to vacuum in space or on the moon! Watch what happens when I try to suck up some lint in my vacuum chamber under full vacuum. Will it still work? Checkout my science channel: Checkout… Continue reading Is It Possible to Vacuum in a Vacuum Chamber?
What Happens to Swiss Cheese in a Vacuum Chamber?
Due to many requests, I put swiss cheese in the vacuum chamber. This should be interesting because swiss cheese has massive holes in it that are made when the cheese is forming. I tell you why in the video! Then after I put the swiss cheese in the vacuum chamber I put in another soft… Continue reading What Happens to Swiss Cheese in a Vacuum Chamber?
Can You Pop Popcorn With A Giant Magnifying Glass? Fresnel Lens Test
In this video I use my giant Fresnel lens to try to pop popcorn. It turns out it is pretty difficult to do since the lens produces such extreme heat so fast. It’s almost like trying to pop popcorn with a blow torch. Either way it was fun to burn/pop popcorn with my giant magnifying… Continue reading Can You Pop Popcorn With A Giant Magnifying Glass? Fresnel Lens Test
Shatterproof vs Traditional Ornaments Crushed By Hydraulic Press
In this video I crush shatterproof and non-shatterproof ornaments in the hydraulic press. I let you decide which ornaments were the shatterproof ones and which were not. It ends up being pretty easy to decide when the hydraulic press comes down on the Christmas ornaments. Send me things to crush at: PO Box 482 North… Continue reading Shatterproof vs Traditional Ornaments Crushed By Hydraulic Press
Can I Make Ferrofluid Out Of Cheerios With A SuperMagnet?
In this video I use my hydraulic press to crunch up some cheerios. I put the crunched up cheerios in a bag with water and use my super strong neodymium magnet to extract iron filaments from the cheerios. Then I mix it with some oil to make ferrofluid! I then compare my ferrofluid with some… Continue reading Can I Make Ferrofluid Out Of Cheerios With A SuperMagnet?
Shooting Oobleck With a 500 mph (800 kmh) Ping Pong Ball From a Vacuum Cannon
In this video I shoot oobleck with my ping pong vacuum cannon. This should be interesting because oobleck acts like a solid when it is moved quickly. The ping pong cannon works by connecting my vacuum pump that I use for my vacuum chamber to a PVC pipe and inserting a ping pong ball. The… Continue reading Shooting Oobleck With a 500 mph (800 kmh) Ping Pong Ball From a Vacuum Cannon
The Self-Reversing Spin Experiment—Easy Homemade Rattleback
Checkout Brilliant Here: In this video I talk about spinning and show you how to make things spin for a long time. I also show you how to make something called a rattleback that stops and spins the opposite direction that you spin it initially! WARNING: This video is for entertainment purposes only. If… Continue reading The Self-Reversing Spin Experiment—Easy Homemade Rattleback
I Tried To Cook an Entire Meal With No Air! Cooking in a Vacuum Experiment
First 100 people get $50 off their first two weeks of Blue Apron, here!: Sponsored by Blue Apron In this video I try to cook an entire meal in the vacuum chamber. I show you different methods of cooking, such as convection, vs conduction and show you the results of each. Watch how difficult… Continue reading I Tried To Cook an Entire Meal With No Air! Cooking in a Vacuum Experiment
Anti-gravity Slinky? What Happens When You Drop a Giant Slinky?
In this video I elaborate on why a slinky floats in mid-air as the top of the slinky falls towards it. I show you how the center of gravity falls as expected once the slinky is dropped with a ball dropping at the center of gravity. Then I show you that even if there is… Continue reading Anti-gravity Slinky? What Happens When You Drop a Giant Slinky?
Is It Possible To Bend Light With Your Finger? The Light Bender Experiment
In this video I show you how to bend light with your finger! Then I explain the physics behind why it happens. You have most likely been taught wrong about why this happens. If you want to learn more about this see this link where I got a lot of my information: WARNING: This… Continue reading Is It Possible To Bend Light With Your Finger? The Light Bender Experiment